F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich): Pussy Cookie Rush

If you loved Rush Limbaugh, don’t get on this train. Then again, you might benefit from listening to a little loving, teasing, eargasmically pleasing and bonoboësque deprogramming from the Great American Dittohead Cult of Rush that begat tRump, Fox News, Alex Jones, Ben Shapiro and a zillion other racist, mendacious, imperialist, slut-shaming, left-blaming, noise machines cheerleading the radical rightwing of the Great Dysfunctional American Family. Speaking of that wing, we also present this week’s Ammosexual Poster Gal, Colorado Congresswoman Lauren Boebert, aka Loony Beretta-Brain, with more guns behind her head than I have dildos in my bed.

Ride with us—my beloved train conductor, Capt’n Max, as well as lovely Mariah, Unscene Abe and the rest of the unseen Bonoboville crew—as we chat up the latest sex scandals, including the criminal investigation of Marilyn Manson (will BDSM be on trial?) and HBO’s Farrow-based Woody Allen doc, as well as tease submissive IG listener “MJ Napoli” who claims to fulfill whatever kinky task we command. We also honor Black History Month with a nod to the Black Panthers (too ammosexual for me, but at least they had good intentions) and some cool “Moorish” cantors, “speaking easy” on the Speakeasy bar car about things that aren’t easy to speak about, smoking, sipping and traveling through time.

With Purim, the Jewish Mardi Gras of revelry and hamantaschen, aka “Pussy Cookies,” coming this week, we also celebrate that great royal *sex worker* heroine, Queen Esther, who saves her people from genocide with her Weapons of Mass Seduction. Purim Sameach!

But we begin with a rant against the ever-expanding Big Tech “prison complex,” including “Facebook Jail” (Marky Z. just censored us again, this time for a PG video from 2018) and YouTube’s inexplicable, unappealable judgments, their Dumb Bot Drones shooting down Free Speech from the Left, Right and even the “Center” is censored.

Speaking of censorship, the world’s worst case is now being perpetrated against journalist and Wikileaks publisher Julian Assange. Facebook Jail is pretty bad, but real jail is a million times worse, and the high security Belmarsh Prison where Assange is being held is horrific. Joe Biden can and should drop the ridiculous, literally tRumped-up charges. Free Assange!

Free Britney too. That’s not an urgent, life-or-death matter, like Assange; but enough slut-shaming our Mickey Mouse Club princess. She’s all grown-up and deserves control over her life and finances, just like all the other crazy celebrities have.

Read more and check out the hot pix and videos: https://drsusanblock.com/fdr-rush

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Last Updated: May 3, 2022(Share)